cepillo pack salpicaduras de pintura
PALABRAS CLAVE:Res   Pintura   Grunge   Salpicaduras  
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Formato de archivo:Photoshop brushes ( .abr ) file format
Tamaño del archivo:7KB
Enlaces de referencia a los recursos (que Web Site Captch este recurso)MouritsaDA-Stock
License: License: It's FREE!. Check my Copyright Notice for further details: [link]Tools: Combination of Illustrator & Photoshop CS2Time: A lot of timeBlurbs: One of my most favorite submissions in DA. Splashes of Paint vectored and modified in high resolution for your use. I happen to have been using these brushes so often when making a T-shirt design that i have lost count. Please, don’t hesitate…experiment as much as you want and make your own brushes ^^
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